Good morning! Hold on to your coffee cups, here are your a.m. headlines to start your day off:
Politico: Jobs, Funding Related To Health Care Law At Risk It’s likely that some in the health reform workforce would get reabsorbed into other Health and Human Services offices, where a number worked prior to the health law’s passage two years ago. But some could end up without a job — and without their health benefits (Feder, 4/17).
The New York Times: Senate Budget Panel To Take Up Deficit Plan Unlike the budget plan passed in the House, Mr. Conrad’s outline would not touch the president’s health care law, but it would phase out the employer tax deduction for health care and include additional health care cuts. It would lay down parameters to overhaul Social Security to slow its growth. And it would set out prescriptions for a simpler tax code that eliminates or reduces scores of tax deductions, taxes dividends and capital gains as ordinary income, and lowers individual and corporate tax rates. The goal would be to raise revenues by $2.6 trillion over 10 years, Mr. Sessions said, something he could not accept (Weisman, 4/17).
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Politico: Kent Conrad’s Budget Signals What’s Wrong With Congress But as the North Dakota Democrat rolls out the final budget of his career on Wednesday, it’s clear none of those goals has been realized. And the frustration and futility that’s marked his tenure as chairman may serve as a metaphor for what has broken and politically polarized Congress. … The ideological divide in Congress has stymied his centrist instincts: Republicans refuse to put tax hikes on the table, and Conrad’s fellow Democrats decry any changes to entitlements, like Medicare and Social Security (Wong, 4/18).
Los Angeles Times: Republicans Approve Paul Ryan’s Budget (Again) In The House GOP leaders are advancing the House Republican budget and its proposed changes to Medicare despite opposition in the Democratic-led Senate by using used a relatively obscure procedural move — tucking it alongside an unrelated bill that would allow the importation of trophy polar bears (Mascaro, 4/17).
The Associated Press/Washington Post: House GOP Wants To Cut Food Stamps In Drive To Protect Pentagon From Big Federal Budget Cuts The panel would also eliminate a grant program to states for social services such as day care and would increase the amount of health insurance subsidies under the new health care law that people must pay back if their incomes go up. The Republicans’ deficit-trimming package, while controversial, is tiny when compared to the $5.2 trillion in reductions called for by the broader GOP budget over 10 years from Obama’s February budget plan. The smaller legislation taking shape on Capitol Hill would jettison bitterly partisan proposals that would dramatically transform Medicare and sharply cut the Medicaid health care plan for the poor and disabled (4/17).
The Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire: Michelle Obama Makes Pitch To Women At A Tennessee Fundraiser In making her case to women, the first lady also pointed out provisions in the president’s health care reform law that help women, including a requirement that insurers cover mammograms and prenatal care at no extra cost. The law is now under review at the Supreme Court (Lee, 4/17).
Reuters/Chicago Tribune: Interpreters In ER May Limit Medical Errors: Study The study, conducted at two pediatric ERs and published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, found that mistakes which could have “clinical consequences,” like giving the wrong medication dose, were about twice as likely if there were no interpreters or if the translator was an amateur (4/17).
Los Angeles Times: Consumers Using Social Media For Medical Information, Report Says One-third of consumers are using Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites to seek medical information, discuss symptoms and express their opinions about doctors, drugs and health insurers, according to a new report. These latest results from PwC’s Health Research Institute underscore the need for healthcare providers and insurance companies to engage more with consumers online since they are increasingly making medical decisions based on the information they find there (Terhune, 4/17).
The Wall Street Journal: Supreme Court Sides With Generic Drug Makers The U.S. Supreme Court handed a victory to generic-drug companies Tuesday, ruling they can file certain legal counterclaims against brand-drug companies in an effort to get their cheaper copycat medicines on the market. The court, in an opinion written by Justice Elena Kagan, ruled unanimously that generic-drug makers should be allowed to challenge the way brand-name manufacturers describe their patents to the Food and Drug Administration (Kendall, 4/17).
NPR: Unusual Alliances Form In Nebraska’s Prenatal Care Debate In Republican-dominated Nebraska, government leaders often line up together, but lately a political tornado has ripped through this orderly scene. A political showdown over taxpayer funding of prenatal care for illegal immigrants has produced some unusual political splits and alliances in the statehouse of the Cornhusker State (Knapp, 4/18).
The Associated Press/Washington Post: Texas Proposes November Phase-Out Of Federal Funding For Women’s Health Program Texas officials have asked for more time to phase out federal funding for a women’s health program after federal officials said it was illegal for the state to ban Planned Parenthood from participating in it, according to documents released Tuesday (4/17).
The Wall Street Journal: Mississippi Law Tightens Requirements For Abortion Providers Mississippi enacted a law Monday that calls for strict new requirements for abortion providers, the latest of several recent state laws pushed by abortion opponents. The law, signed by Gov. Phil Bryant, requires doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital and to be board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology or be eligible to be certified, meaning the physician has completed training in the specialty. It is set to go into effect July 1 (McWhirter and Mathews, 4/17).
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