Decision Day: How It’s Playing On Twitter

//’re watching Twitter so you don’t have to. We will update this page throughout the day with the most interesting and provocative reactions from social media.

6:25 p.m. update:

5:45 p.m. update:

4:00 p.m. update:

3:45 p.m. update:

3:10 p.m. update:

2:35 p.m. update:

1:35 p.m. update:

1:10 p.m. update:

1:05 p.m. update:

12:45 p.m. update:

11:08 a.m. update: Interest group reactions are coming in.

11:05 a.m. update

11:00 a.m. update

10:30 a.m. update

8:30 a.m. update

6:00 a.m.: Nothing to do now but wait, and maybe have a little fun with the ‪#otherSCOTUSpredictions‬ hashtag.

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