Primary Care Crisis Has Been A Long Time Coming

For decades, just about everybody who has looked at the supply of primary care doctors in this country has warned of trouble ahead.

But despite the urgency of report after report, including another recent one from the the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, the primary care physician workforce of the future looks like it will lag behind the need.

Medical students generally prefer the bigger paychecks and greater prestige of specialties.

“There’s been 50 years of turning away from primary care in this country,” said George Thibault, president of the Macy Foundation, in a recent conference call announcing the foundation’s findings, which say, among other things, that medical schools should create primary care tracks for educating students.

Some evergreen recommendations call for paying primary care doctors more and, recently, using primary care offices a medical homes to coordinate all of a patient’s care to manage costs and care.

The doctors shortage is looking more problematic as the nation faces an influx of patients after insurance coverage is extended through the new health overhaul law, said Ann O’Malley, with the Center for Studying Health System Change. “Time will tell” whether that will make a difference, O’Malley said. “I don’t know how bad things have to get before the support required is given to primary care.”

The notion that decades of blind eyes turned toward the warnings prompted us to dust off a few highlights from days gone by. Here goes:

This is one of KHN’s “Short Takes” – brief items in the news. For the latest news from KHN, check out our News Section.

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