Wyoming Health Department Outlines Prevention, Outreach Efforts During Annual HIV/AIDS Conference
Wyoming health officials held their third annual conference on HIV/AIDS over the weekend, focusing on HIV prevention and treatment among homosexual and bisexual men who live in rural areas, the Associated Press reports. During the conference, titled "HIV in Wyoming: New Challenges New Hope," state health department HIV Prevention Coordinator Jennie Haarsager-Lieske said that the agency is contacting health care providers in rural areas to explain what HIV/AIDS-related assistance is available from the state. She also noted that while some areas may have strong HIV testing and prevention programs, many areas have "weak" treatment programs. "There are gaps around the state," she added. Haarsager-Lieske said that the department also is focusing its outreach efforts on injection drug users, homeless women and children and those in relationships that put them "at-risk" for infection. The conference was scheduled to include workshops on HIV and substance abuse and youth prevention efforts. As of June, Wyoming had 144 reported cases of HIV/AIDS (Associated Press, 9/27).
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