Sen. Brownback Stresses Support for President’s Plan To Fight HIV/AIDS in RNC Speech
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) on Tuesday in a speech at the Republican National Convention in New York City stressed his support for the "sanctity of every human life" and for the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the Wichita Eagle reports (Bjerga, Wichita Eagle, 9/1). Brownback said that President Bush is committed to the "historic rescue of human life," adding, "We do not measure the value of a life by wealth or social status. We believe that every person is beautiful, unique and has great purpose. Every life must be honored and protected" (Kraske, Kansas City Star, 9/1). Brownback also discussed how Bush has assembled an "army of compassion" to fight HIV/AIDS and other diseases in developing countries, according to the Eagle (Wichita Eagle, 9/1). The five-year, $15 billion PEPFAR program directs funding to 12 African nations -- Botswana, Ethiopia, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia -- as well as Haiti, Guyana and Vietnam (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 7/14). Brownback said that Bush also has "committed record levels of support" to fighting HIV/AIDS in the United States, adding that Bush "called for a new focus on abstinence education and has established a new effort to develop an AIDS vaccine" (Brownback speech text, 8/31). Some AIDS advocates have criticized PEPFAR, saying it has "been slow in fulfilling its spending commitment" and that the program comes with "conditions attached," according to the Eagle (Wichita Eagle, 9/1).
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