NPR’s ‘Morning Edition’ Examines Bush’s Proposed Funding Increase for Federal HIV/AIDS Housing Program
NPR's "Morning Edition" on Friday examined how a Delaware housing program for women with HIV/AIDS would receive more money as a part of President Bush's fiscal year 2007 budget increase for the federal Housing Opportunities for People with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA). Bush has proposed slightly more than $300 million for HOPWA, which would be enough to house an additional 3,500 people nationwide. According to NPR, "[o]ne reason [Bush] wants to fund the [HIV/]AIDS housing program is that the Office of Management and Budget has rated it effective." OMB rates federal programs after studying their design and management. Gary Bass -- executive director of OMB Watch, a not-for-profit government watchdog group -- said Bush's decision to increase funding for the housing program while cutting or eliminating many other government programs reflects political priorities more than performance measurements (Lewis, "Morning Edition," NPR, 2/17). The complete segment is available online in RealPlayer.
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