ICASO Releases Report on Government Progress Toward 2001 UNGASS Commitments
"Community Monitoring and Evaluation: Implementation of the UNGASS Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS," International Council of AIDS Service Organizations: ICASO on Wednesday released a report on the progress of governments on the 2001 UNGASS Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. The report -- which is a summary of studies from Cameroon, Canada, El Salvador, Honduras, Indonesia, Ireland, Jamaica, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro and South Africa -- finds that human rights abuses continue to fuel the spread of HIV, country-level leadership often is lacking, and "key populations" that most need HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention services lack access to them. The report includes 24 recommendations for UNAIDS, civil society organizations and governments to improve progress toward the goals set forth in the 2001 declaration (ICASO release, 5/31).
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