Health Overhaul Scam Opportunities Emerge
As the health law roll-out continues, more attention is being paid to the opportunities it may create for scammers and fraudsters.
McClatchy/The Washington Post: Little Understanding Of Health-Care Law Opens Door For Scams
If a stranger claiming to be from the government calls to offer you an "Obamacare card" or threatens to throw you in jail unless you buy insurance, hang up the phone. It's a scam. Fraudsters are poised to take advantage of widespread confusion over the Affordable Care Act -- also known as Obamacare -- to steal Americans' credit cards, Social Security numbers and other personal information, consumer advocates and government officials say (7/14).
CNN Money: Scamming Obamacare Harder Than You Think
The way some people have interpreted the latest Obamacare rule change, you'd think the administration was inviting people to steal from the government. Officials announced on July 5 that insurance exchanges could relax how they verify the income of people who apply for federal financial help in the first year. But experts say the temporary change won't necessarily make it easier to scam the system. The subsidies at issue are meant to help people who can't afford to pay full freight for health insurance. Generally speaking, the less you make, the bigger the subsidy you get (Sahadi, 7/15).