Senate Republicans Doubt Prospects For ‘Grand Bargain’
Meanwhile, USA Today reports on five ways that congressional budgeters could trim Medicare.
Politico: Larger Deal May Elude Deficit Panel
A month into the super committee's term, Senate Republicans are telling K Street that they don't believe the powerful deficit-cutting panel can reach a "grand bargain" agreement, sources familiar with the negotiations say. But the only way that a grand bargain could pass muster with the GOP, the Senate Republican aides say, is if it were tied to an overhaul of Social Security or the controversial proposal by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to turn Medicare into a voucher-based system for future recipients. And neither plan could pass this Congress, they believe (Raju and Bresnahan, 10/2).
USA Today: Five Ways To Squeeze Medicare
Nearly 50 million people on Medicare, as well as those entering the program at a pace of one every eight seconds, are likely to get more than their money's worth before they die. The same can't be said for anyone under 55 who will rely on the federal health care program for those 65 and older in the future. They face higher costs and, possibly, longer waits before they qualify for coverage. Medicare — one of the most popular programs ever devised by the federal government — is on the chopping block. Again (Wolf, 10/3).