Today’s Selection Of Opinions And Editorials
Obama's Crisis: Credibility The Washington Post
Encouraging a sense of crisis is a traditional tool of executive leadership. And using a joint session of Congress to address a single domestic issue is the most dramatic expression of this approach (Michael Gerson, 9/9).
Obama And The Bureaucratization Of Health Care Wall Street Journal
[I]s it any wonder that many of the sick and elderly are concerned that the Democrats' proposals will ultimately lead to rationing of their health care by dare I say it death panels? (Sarah Palin, 9/8).
Health Care Fear Factor USA Today
Those who benefit financially from the status quo or politically from defeating the reformer scare people away. Just witness this summer's heated debate over "death panels" that no one ever proposed (9/9).
Health Debate Short On Evidence-Based Science The Sacramento Bee
Patients go to the doctor looking for effective treatment, and this being the 21st century, they assume that their doctors' recommendations will be based on up-to-date science (Shannon Brownlee and Michael Wilkes, 9/9).
Our One-Party Democracy The New York Times
Mr. Obama is not a socialist; he's a centrist. But if he's forced to depend entirely on his own party to pass legislation, he will be whipsawed by its different factions (Thomas Friedman, 9/8).
A Bipartisan Plan To Wreck The System Wall Street Journal
Members of Congress, Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of the Obama Youth Corps-I come to you tonight to speak frankly about our nation's health-care crisis and how we in Washington can make it worse (Holman Jenkins, Jr., 9/8).