EpiPen-Maker’s CEO To Face Congressional Fire At Hearing On Price Gouging
Chief Executive Heather Bresch will testify in front of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee next week. Meanwhile, senators plan to introduce a bill requiring drugmakers to give a 30-day notice and justification of any prescription drug price increase of more than 10 percent.
The Wall Street Journal:
EpiPen Maker Executive To Testify At House Hearing
Lawmakers have summoned the top executive from EpiPen maker Mylan NV to Washington for a hearing next week to explain substantial price increases for the emergency allergy treatment that have generated widespread consumer outrage. The company confirmed Wednesday that Chief Executive Heather Bresch will come to Capitol Hill Sept. 21 to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in a hearing likely to feature intense questioning about Mylan’s pricing strategy. (Radnofsky, 9/14)
The Hill:
House Oversight Panel To Grill EpiPen CEO Next Week
The House Oversight will hold a hearing next Wednesday to grill the CEO of Mylan, the maker of EpiPens. The more-than-400 percent increase in the price of EpiPens in recent years has drawn outrage from both sides of the aisle. Mylan CEO Heather Bresch, who is also the daughter of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), will now face questions from lawmakers next week. (Sullivan, 9/14)
USA Today:
Senators Move To Force Drug Makers To Justify Big Price Hikes
A bipartisan group of Senate and House members plan to introduce a bill Thursday that would force drugmakers to tell the Department of Health and Human Services why any price hike of more than 10% is justified at least a month before the increase. Companies would have to disclose spending on research and development, manufacturing, marketing and advertising spending on the drug, as well as profit information. (O'Donnell, 9/14)