Even With Insurance, Millions Who Still Can’t Afford Care Skip It
With high deductibles and copays, many people with coverage under the health law are still struggling with their part of the bill, and many turn to community resources to fill the gap. The Fiscal Times reports on community health centers that have seen an uptick in patients while KHN tells the story of a Georgia woman faced with a tough decision over eye surgery.
The Fiscal Times:
Obamacare Gap Traps Millions With Coverage Who Can’t Afford Care
While the Affordable Care Act has succeeded in slicing down the uninsured rate to historic lows, many Americans--mostly the working poor--still can’t afford health coverage and are delaying medical treatment. (Ehley, 6/10)
Kaiser Health News:
Some Insured Patients Still Skip Care Because Of High Costs
A key goal of the Affordable Care Act is to help people get health insurance who may have not been able to pay for it before. But the most popular plans – those with low monthly premiums – also have high deductibles and copays. And that can leave medical care still out of reach for some. (Burress, 6/10)