IBM’s Supercomputer Watson Helps Doctors Analyze Health Care Data
In other medical practice news, some plastic surgeons are doing more psychiatric screenings as concerns over patient mental health grows.
The Chicago Tribune:
Doc In A Box: IBM's Watson Using Data To Transform Health Care
IBM Watson once won $1 million playing "Jeopardy." Soon, it could be helping your doctor read your X-rays. IBM Watson Health aims to make sense of a growing pool of health care-related data to help patients and providers make better decisions. Deborah DiSanzo, former CEO of Philips Healthcare, was named its head and general manager in September. (Graham, 12/4)
Plastic Surgeons, Fearing Violence, Turn To Psychiatry For Patients
The operation went off without a hitch. Another successful nose job — or so Dr. Ira Papel thought. Until the patient came back to his clinic threatening to shoot himself and others. (Dolgin, 12/4)