Poll Finds Continuing Confusion About Health Overhaul’s Status
According to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll, many Americans either believe the health law has been repealed or aren't sure. (KHN is a program of the Foundation.)
Politico: Reform Repeal Has Americans Flummoxed
Nearly half of all Americans believe the health care reform law has already been repealed or aren't sure one way or the other, a new Kaiser Family Foundation poll shows. Fifty-two percent of Americans believe - correctly - that the law has not been repealed, the poll shows. But 22 percent think the law has been repealed, and 26 percent aren't sure. The results come after a month of conflicting headlines: Republicans successfully voted to repeal the law in the House; repeal failed in the Senate; some judges have struck down the law; other judges have upheld it. And House Republicans defunded part of the law in their continuing resolution - which the Senate hasn't addressed yet (Haberkorn, 2/24).
Kaiser Health News: Many Americans Incorrectly Believe Health Law Has Been Repealed
Kaiser Health News staff writer Jordan Rau reports: "A poll released Thursday found extensive public confusion about the health care law, with 22 percent of Americans incorrectly believing it has been repealed and another 26 percent unsure or unwilling to say" (Rau, 2/24).