Wyoming Governor: State Can’t Afford To Reject Medicaid Expansion Funds
Gov. Matt Mead is again asking state lawmakers to consider expanding Medicaid, saying, "This is good for our economic future and it is the right thing to do as the state faces this current revenue shortfall." In other health law news, a federal appeals court rejects a challenge to the contraception mandate.
The Associated Press:
Gov. Matt Mead Urges Lawmakers To Approve Medicaid Expansion
Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead is making another plea for state lawmakers to expand the Medicaid program, a move that would offer subsidized insurance coverage to about 20,000 low-income adults. Mead told lawmakers in his state of the state address this month that Wyoming can't afford to reject $268 million in federal funds over the next two years as state energy revenues are falling. He repeated his call on Thursday (Neary, 2/18)
The Associated Press:
Appeals Court Upholds Health Care Law Contraceptive Mandate
A federal appeals court in Atlanta on Thursday upheld a contraceptive mandate included in the president’s health care law but is delaying the implementation of its ruling until the U.S. Supreme Court can weigh in on the issue. A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 to reject challenges to the mandate in a single opinion addressing two separate cases, one filed by nonprofit organizations affiliated with the Catholic Church in Georgia and the other by Catholic broadcaster Eternal Word Television Network in Alabama. (Brumback, 2/18)