Some Republicans Shy Away From Prevailing GOP View On Medicare, Budget
The Los Angeles Times reports that some Republican lawmakers have "economic visions" that are different from the budget plan advanced by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and embraced by GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney.
Los Angeles Times: Not All Republicans Embrace GOP Budget, Medicare Changes
As both Democrats and Republicans try to make the November election a choice over competing economic visions for the country, not all congressional Republicans are fans of the GOP budget approach as crafted by Rep. Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and embraced by the party's presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney (Mascaro, 6/20).
In other congressional action --
Politico: House Extends FDA User Fees
The House easily passed a bill reauthorizing the FDA's user fees Wednesday, sending it to the Senate for final approval. The measure passed by voice vote. The exact timing for Senate action on the bill is not yet clear, but that chamber is expected to take it up next week and send it to President Barack Obama (Norman, 6/20).