Midwest AIDS Prevention Project Launches New Ad Campaign Targeting Young Men Who Have Sex With Men
The Midwest AIDS Prevention Project on Tuesday launched a new multimedia advertising campaign targeting young men who have sex with men, according to a MAPP release. The campaign, part of the Voice of AIDS Project, is funded by the CDC and focuses on encouraging young MSM to practice safer sex and be tested for HIV. Solomon Friedman Advertising assisted in the creation of a series of billboards, print advertisements, posters and other promotional materials, including t-shirts, condoms and phone cards for the campaign. The ads will appear throughout the Detroit metropolitan area (MAPP release, 4/2). The ads feature pictures of condoms that say "Stop AIDS" as well as messages such as "Think you're invincible? I'm counting on it. -- AIDS," and "Your place or mine? -- AIDS" as well as a phone number to contact in order to obtain free HIV testing (MAPP ads, 2/24). In addition to the media campaign, the Voice of AIDS Project conducts interactive community education workshops, focusing on MSM between the ages of 15 and 25 (MAPP Web site, 4/9).
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