Former Ambassador to Botswana John Lange Named Deputy Coordinator in New State Department Global AIDS Office
Former U.S. Ambassador to Botswana John Lange has been named to be a deputy coordinator in the new Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator at the State Department, according to a department release (State Department release, 10/9). The new office will oversee U.S. international assistance in the fight against HIV/AIDS and coordinate the activities of the various agencies and departments that will deliver the aid. President Bush in May signed into law a measure (HR 1298) that authorizes $15 billion over five years to fight AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean. The measure includes nearly $10 billion in new funds (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 8/19). The office is expected to disseminate more than $2 billion in the first year of the initiative and steadily increase expenditures over the next four years, according to the release. Lange, who has served at U.S. embassies in Togo, Tanzania and Botswana, will serve as a deputy coordinator with Dr. Joseph O'Neill and will report to Ambassador Randall Tobias, who was sworn in as Coordinator of U.S. Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally on Oct. 6 (State Department release, 10/9).
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