Boston Globe Profiles Paula Donovan, Senior Adviser to U.N. Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa
The Boston Globe on Thursday profiled Paula Donovan, a longtime U.N. consultant who now works as senior adviser on women's and children's issues to U.N. Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa Stephen Lewis. Donovan has traveled extensively in Africa, "witnessing firsthand the ravages of an AIDS epidemic that has orphaned at least 12 million children," the Globe reports. In 2003, Donovan organized a women's 10-kilometer road race in Kenya to raise awareness of women's roles as primary caregivers. Determined to see the race become a reality, Donovan spent thousands of dollars of her own money to fund it, and 11,000 women came out for the race, according to the Globe. "It got the whole country talking about AIDS," Lewis said (Lazar, Boston Globe, 9/29).
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