Kaiser Family Foundation Releases Additional Analysis of National Survey on HIV/AIDS, Updated Fact Sheet
HIV/AIDS Survey Analysis, Updated Fact Sheet, Kaiser Family Foundation: The foundation on Tuesday released additional data from its 2006 Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS and an updated fact sheet on HIV testing in the U.S. "HIV Testing: 2006 Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS" is a chartpack that outlines additional data from the 2006 public opinion survey. According to the new data, 65% of Americans say HIV testing should be treated as a routine screening, and 65% of Americans think rapid, at-home HIV testing is a good idea, though most would prefer personally to get tested in a physician's office. "Opinions and Experiences of 18-25 Year Olds: 2006 Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS" is a chartpack that outlines additional data about the results among young people. In addition, "HIV Testing in the U.S.," an updated factsheet, provides HIV testing statistics, outlines testing techniques and recommendations and provides state policies on HIV testing. State-specific data on HIV testing is available on statehealthfacts.org (KFF release, 6/5).
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