Gov. Scott Walker Says He Won’t Allow Wis. To Set Up Health Marketplace
"We're going to push back," the governor said when speaking about options if the Supreme Court rules later this year to strike down federal subsidies to consumers in states that didn't establish their own insurance exchanges. Also in news about those marketplaces, Minnesota lawmakers are looking at a plan that would end a long-standing program to help people get insurance and transfer them instead to the state exchange.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Scott Walker Pledges To 'Push Back' On Obamacare
Speaking before a conservative audience Wednesday, Gov. Scott Walker suggested he would not allow Wisconsin to set up a health care exchange if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down a portion of Obamacare. "We're going to push back," the likely Republican presidential candidate said of President Barack Obama's signature health care law. (Marley, 4/1)
Minnesota Public Radio:
Some Republicans Not Sold On Eliminating MN Care
Eliminating a public health care program called MinnesotaCare could end up being a critical part of the budget plan adopted by the Republican-controlled Minnesota House. But at least one Republican legislator says he doesn’t support a bill to get rid of MinnesotaCare. In committee he voted against the legislation, which is sponsored by Rep. Matt Dean, R-Dellwood. ... MinnesotaCare is more than two decades old. It provides state subsidies to help people buy health insurance when they make too much money to qualify for Medical Assistance, but don’t get coverage through an employer and can’t afford to buy their own plan. Dean’s plan would move these participants to MNsure, the state’s health insurance exchange, (Richert, 4/1)
In Colorado, officials are looking for new leadership for the state's exchange.
The Denver Post:
Connect For Health Names Its Choice For CEO
The Connect for Health Colorado board Wednesday named a health care executive with 30 years' experience, Robert C. Malone, as its candidate for chief executive. Under state law, the board posts the name of the finalist, takes public comment on the selection for 14 days, and then seeks approval from the Legislative Health Benefit Exchange Implementation Review Committee before formally offering the job. (4/1)
Health News Colorado:
Legislators Seek Stronger Role In Hiring New Exchange CEO
Leaders at Connect for Health Colorado said Wednesday that they welcome new, more intense scrutiny by the Colorado Legislature, and Sen. Ellen Roberts, R-Durango, promised to deliver at a meeting of the Legislative Health Benefit Exchange Implementation Review Committee. (Carman, 4/1)