Health Law Promises To Be A Boon For Advertisers
Already, TV executives expect insurers alone to spend as much as $1 billion. Meanwhile, the pro-health law group Organizing for Action released its latest spot.
The Wall Street Journal: Health Ads Stream In
The television industry is anticipating an advertising bonanza related to the rollout of the federal health overhaul, with as much as $1 billion expected to be spent on ads by insurers alone, according to TV executives and a broadcasters' trade group (Sharma, 8/14).
Politico: OFA Releases New Obamacare Ad
A new ad promoting Obamacare was released Thursday, promoting insurance rebates families receive under the new health care law, according to reports. The ad by Organizing for Action will run on national cable channels, specifically Bravo and Lifetime, and is the third spot in support of the health care law running this summer, an OFA official told CNN (Gold, 8/15).