Huckabee Takes Issue With Massachusetts’ Health Overhaul
While promoting his new book, the former Arkansas governor drew parallels between the Massachusetts' plan and the federal health law, and said Mitt Romney, who was governor when the plan was enacted, should "apologize" for it now.
Politico: Huck Trashes 'RomneyCare' In Book
In his new book, Mike Huckabee trashes "RomneyCare" saying it's "socialized medicine" that has exploded costs, worsened care for patients, and proves why President Obama's unpopular health care reform won't work. In a chapter in "A Simple Government," Huckabee uses Mitt Romney's Massachusetts health care program to bolster his arguments against Obama's reforms, yoking the two tightly together (Haberman, 2/23).
The Associated Press: Huckabee Says Romney Should Apologize For Health Plan
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Wednesday that potential White House rival Mitt Romney should offer an apology for the health care overhaul he oversaw as Massachusetts governor. "I think it's not a killer for him. But he has to say either 'I love it,' 'I hate it,' or, 'Hey I tried it, it didn't work and that's why I would say to you, let's not do it nationally,'" Huckabee said. "He's got to figure out how he wants to deal with it. It's the 800-pound elephant in the room for him," said Huckabee, who is on tour to promote his latest book, "A Simple Government: Twelve Things We Really Need from Washington (and a Trillion That We Don't)" (2/23).