In Effort To Prevent Devastating Birth Defects, FDA Will Allow Folic Acid To Be Added To Corn Flour
Critics say the decision was long overdue.
PBS NewsHour:
Health Advocates Score A Major Victory With Folic Acid
The Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday that it would allow folic acid to be added to corn flour in order to prevent certain types of birth defects. The decision was a major victory for health advocates around the nation, who credit the additive with preventing some 1,300 birth defects per year. (4/14)
The Seattle Times:
FDA To Allow Folic Acid In Corn Masa To Stop Birth Defects
In a move critics said was long overdue, federal regulators agreed Thursday to allow folic acid to be added to corn-masa flour, possibly preventing devastating birth defects such as those affecting families in Central Washington. (Aleccia, 4/14)