IRS Proposes Rules For Health Law’s Employer Mandate
On Thursday, the Internal Revenue Service published proposed rules for how companies with more than 50 employees must report health coverage for their workers. That provision was delayed a year until 2015.
The Associated Press/Washington Post: White House Proposes New Rules For Postponed Health Law Mandate That Many Firms Offer Coverage
The Obama administration on Thursday released new proposals for carrying out a major requirement of the federal health care law that was postponed earlier this summer. At issue is how to gather information that would allow the government to enforce a requirement that companies with 50 or more workers provide affordable health insurance to their full-time employees. Companies that don’t comply would risk fines (9/5).
Reuters: U.S. Moves To Ease Employers' Obama Health-Law Burden
The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday issued proposed rules aimed at easing the requirements for companies and insurers when they report employees' health coverage information to comply with President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law. The proposed regulations are a key element of the employer mandate portion of the law. Implementation of the rules had been delayed while the Treasury Department attempted to simplify them to address concerns of employers (Dixon, 9/5).
The Hill: IRS Rules For Employer Mandate Under Obamacare
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on Thursday issued instructions for complying with ObamaCare's employer mandate. The mandate, which requires businesses with more than 50 workers to offer insurance or face penalties, was initially slated to take effect in January (Goad, 9/5).