Mask-Wearing In Public Now Mandatory In Washington State
Meanwhile, one county has run out of hospital beds because of the spike in coronavirus cases.
Washington State Makes Face Masks Mandatory As Some States See New Coronavirus Surge
The governor of Washington state on Tuesday ordered residents to wear face masks in public as officials across the country sought new means to control the coronavirus pandemic while easing clamp-downs on residents and reopening the economy. The move by Washington Governor Jay Inslee came as Arizona, California, Mississippi and Nevada reported record numbers of new cases of COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus. Texas set a record on Monday. (Shumaker and Bernstein, 6/23)
CBS News:
Washington State To Require Face Masks After County Runs Out Of Hospital Beds
A county in Washington state has run out of hospital beds because of a recent spike in coronavirus cases — and now, Washington Governor Jay Inslee says the entire state is going to take a more aggressive approach to handling the pandemic. Everyone in the state, minus a few exceptions, will now have to wear a face mask, and will be charged with a misdemeanor crime if they fail to do so. (Cohen, 6/23)