What’s Ahead On The Post-SCOTUS Decision Landscape
After the Supreme Court's decision last week upholding the health law, news outlets analyze what comes next in terms of the law's implementation, the obstacles it faces and its impact on various parts of the health system.
The Wall Street Journal: Health Battle Enters Round 2
A new front opened Friday in efforts to reshape how the federal government implements President Barack Obama's health-care overhaul now that the Supreme Court has ruled to keep the law in place. Employers, insurers, hospitals, drug makers and others are angling for an advantage as the government writes the regulations and sets the policies that will bring the law to life (Radnofsky and Weaver, 7/1).
Los Angeles Times: Healthcare Law Still Faces Obstacles
President Obama's healthcare law emerged from its bruising two-year legal ordeal largely intact, with its primary goal of guaranteeing all Americans health security still standing. The Supreme Court, however, is only the first of several daunting obstacles the law must clear (Levey, 7/1).
The New York Times' Economic View: Giving Health Care A Chance To Evolve
When the court affirmed the law's constitutionality on Thursday, many forecasters were astonished. The ruling came by the slimmest of margins and was defended, in places, by deeply flawed economic reasoning. But it has paved the way for an orderly rehabilitation of America’s gravely dysfunctional health care system (Frank, 6/30).
The Washington Post: Washington's Winners And Losers From The Supreme Court's Health-Care Ruling
The Supreme Court last week upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, President Obama's signature domestic achievement aimed at expanding health care coverage to 30 million uninsured Americans. The court upheld both the requirement that all individuals buy insurance, and the expansion of Medicaid, a joint federal-state insurance program for the poor — as long as the federal government does not threaten to withhold states' Medicaid funding if states choose not to expand. Here is a look how the decision affects the local business world (Ho, 7/1).
HealthyCal: Court Ruling Opens Door To Big Changes In Health Care
The easiest way to understand the coming change is this: The current business model of the health insurance industry consists of avoiding risk. The new model will instead force insurance companies to compete by offering the best service (Weintraub, 7/1).
The Minneapolis Star Tribune: Employers Weigh Health Care Ruling's Effect
Now that the health care law has gotten the green light from the U.S. Supreme Court, business owners across Minnesota are running the numbers to see how the law's requirements will affect their businesses in the coming years. The law affects employers in different ways, depending on their size (Crosby, 6/30).
Market Watch: Insurer Stocks Continue To Fall After Ruling
In the wake of a landmark Supreme Court ruling that reverberated throughout the sector, commercial insurers started sliding again in Friday trading despite a broad market rally. These insurers, which had stumbled from the shock of the court’s decision Thursday to uphold President Barack Obama’s health-care overhaul legislation, rebounded when trading opened. But as the session wore on, they slid into negative territory (Britt, 6/29).