GOP Presidential Hopefuls Carve Out Positions On Key Health Law Issues
Former Minn. Gov. Tim Pawlenty has vowed to bring back the term "Obamneycare" while Jon Huntsman, former Utah governor, ambassador to China and the latest to throw his hat into the GOP presidential nomination race, explained his position on the individual mandate.
Politico: Tim Pawlenty To Bring Back 'Obamneycare'
Republican primary voters haven't heard the last of "Obamneycare." Tim Pawlenty said Tuesday he plans to keep using the term, which he first used to whack Mitt Romney over his health care record on the eve of last week's GOP presidential primary debate (Burns, 6/21).
CNN: Huntsman's Future May Hinge On His Past
Back in September 2007, Huntsman told reporters he supported a health care reform plan that included an individual mandate that required his state's residents to obtain medical insurance. "I'm comfortable with a requirement," Huntsman said on the program. "You can call it what you want. But at some point we are going to have to get serious with how we deal with this issue," he added. The individual mandate was a key component in President Obama's health care law and in a similar plan adopted in Massachusetts by one of Huntsman's rivals, Mitt Romney (Acosta and Dimmler, 6/21).