Setting The Date: House Scheduled To Vote Jan. 12 On Health Law Repeal
House GOP leaders have scheduled for Jan. 12 a much-awaited and politically charged vote to repeal the health law. In the background, news organizations report on the positions being taken by Democrats who may have voted against the measure the first time around and how Republicans plan to explain the budget implications of this repeal effort.
The Washington Post: House Sets Jan. 12 Vote On Repeal Of Health-Care Law
House Republicans have set Jan. 12 as their day to vote on a repeal of President Obama's health-care law, after a midterm election in which they campaigned against the landmark legislation as a government takeover of the health industry (Kane, 1/3).
The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire: Jan. 12 Is The Date For Health-Law Repeal Vote
The long-anticipated vote on repealing the health-overhaul law is coming next week in the House. It'll be a symbolic move, since Democrats still control the Senate and the White House, but an important one for House Republicans who want to express their discontent with the overhaul passed last March (Adamy, 1/3).
The Hill: House Republicans Schedule Vote On Healthcare Repeal For Next Week
House Republicans plan to fulfill a campaign promise and hold a vote next week on repealing the health care reform law. The incoming House majority leader, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), announced Monday that the vote will take place on Jan. 12, one week after Republicans take control of the House (Berman, 1/3).
National Journal: House Republicans Plan Health Care Repeal Vote Next Week
Wasting no time in trying to use their new leverage to roll back the achievements of the Obama administration, House Republicans plan a floor vote to repeal the president's health care law next Wednesday, January 12, opening up what is expected to be a new era of contentious relations between the White House and the enlarged and emboldened congressional GOP (House and McCarthy, 1/3).
Roll Call: House GOP Sets Up Vote on Repeal of Health Care Law
Brad Dayspring, a spokesman for House Majority Leader-designate Eric Cantor (Va.), said Republicans were moving to repeal the law because of its economic effects. "ObamaCare is a job killer for businesses small and large, and the top priority for House Republicans is going to be to cut spending and grow the economy and jobs. Further, ObamaCare failed to lower costs as the president promised that it would and does not allow people to keep the care they currently have if they like it. That is why the House will repeal it next week," Dayspring said (Stanton, 1/3).
Politico: House To Vote On Health Care Law Repeal Next Week
The House will vote next week to repeal the new health care law, making good on a top-tier GOP campaign promise and setting up a showdown with President Barack Obama over his signature domestic policy achievement (Budoff Brown, 1/3).
Bloomberg: U.S. House Sets Jan. 12 Vote On Repealing Obama's Health-Care Overhaul Law
Republicans, poised to take control of the U.S. House of Representatives in two days, scheduled a Jan. 12 vote on repeal of the 2010 law overhauling the nation's health-care system. Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the incoming House majority leader, set the vote for a week after the new Congress convenes in Washington, his deputy chief of staff, John Murray, said in an e-mail. The health-care overhaul passed last March was the centerpiece of President Barack Obama's legislative agenda (Rowley and Wayne, 1/3).
Reuters: House Republicans Aim To Repeal Obama Healthcare Law
Although Republicans will control the House, 242-193, Obama's Democrats retain control of the Senate by 53-47 and are likely to block any repeal of the health care law. Republicans, particularly from the fiscally conservative wing, were emboldened to attack the health care reform after a good showing in November's elections. Senate Democratic leaders warned against repealing a health care provision that closes a coverage gap in the Medicare prescription drug program for seniors (Ferraro, 1/3).
Fox News: House GOP Sets Vote on Repeal of Health Care Law
The House Rules Committee plans to meet Thursday to consider repeal of the Obama health care plan. The rule to consider repeal of the health care law will be brought to the House floor Friday according to the committee. Fox confirms the vote to repeal the law will take place January 12th (Barrett, 1/3).
San Jose Mercury News: GOP Charging Ahead On Health Care
Eager to show who's now in charge, the House's new Republican majority plans to vote to repeal President Barack Obama's landmark health care overhaul before he even shows up in their chamber to give his State of the Union address (1/3).
The Hill: Democrats Who Bucked Party On Healthcare Reform Won't Vote For Repeal
Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), the top Democrat on the House Agriculture Committee - and one of just 12 of the 34 Democratic "no" votes who survived the midterm elections - told The Hill he won't join the GOP's "political vote." ... Rep. Daniel Lipinski (D-Ill.), who has worried health care reform could allow taxpayer-funded support for abortion, also told The Hill he wouldn't vote for straight-up repeal (Pecquet, 1/3).
Politico: GOP Won't Count Cost Of Repeal
House Republicans plan to use a special exception in their budget rules to repeal the Democrats' health care overhaul without paying for it - technically, at least (Haberkorn, 1/4).