Trump Confident ‘Incredible Health Care Plan’ Will Pass In The Senate
"It's going to be an unbelievable victory ... when we get it through the Senate," President Donald Trump says during a celebratory White House Rose Garden event with House Republicans.
USA Today:
Trump Claims Victory On Repealing Obamacare, But He Still Has A Long Way To Go
President Trump took a televised victory lap Thursday after the House voted to pass a bill that would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act – an unusual Rose Garden ceremony considering that final victory remains miles away. "What a great group of people," Trump said, surrounded by some four dozen House Republicans gathered at the White House. "It's going to be an unbelievable victory... when we get it through the Senate." (Jackson, 5/4)
ABC News:
Trump Says Obamacare 'Dead' After GOP Health Bill Passes House
[Trump] congratulated and thanked House Speaker Paul Ryan and praised House Republicans for coming together. "What we have is something very, very incredibly well-crafted," Trump said of the bill. "This has really brought the Republican Party together," Trump added. "As much as we've come up with a really incredible health care plan, this has brought the Republican Party together. We're going to get this finished." (Siegel and Stracqualursi, 5/4)