
Latest KFF Health News Stories

Tracking Air Quality Block By Block

KFF Health News Original

An environmental advocacy group plans to install 100 pollution sensors at homes, schools and businesses in the congested area near the Port of Oakland to capture variations in the level of diesel contaminants.

A Peer Recovery Coach Walks The Frontlines Of The Opioid Epidemic

KFF Health News Original

Charlie Oen was addicted to heroin as a teenager. At 25, he’s now clean and a peer counselor in Lima, Ohio, where he tries to help people who started using drugs before he was born.

Offering Syringes Along With Prayers, Churches Help IV Drug Users

KFF Health News Original

Some churches and other faith-based organizations are offering clean syringes to IV drug users, while still others are voicing their support for comprehensive treatment, testing and education programs that also help stem transmission of diseases like HIV and hepatitis C.