Study Debunks Concern That People Would Move Across State Lines To Get Medicaid
This concern has been a part of the debate over the health law's Medicaid expansion. Meanwhile, in Kansas, a new push is underway.
Reuters: Americans Unlikely To Move To Get Better Better Medicaid Benefits: Study
Americans are unlikely to move to another state to obtain better medical coverage, according to a Harvard study released on Monday that debunks fears expanded Medicaid in some states under the U.S. Affordable Care Act will trigger big and costly migrations (Valdmanis, 1/6).
Kansas Health Institute (news service): Kansas Hospitals Leading New Push For Medicaid Expansion
Many uninsured Kansans who Congress assumed would get coverage under the health reform law are instead falling in to what is being called the “Medicaid gap.” They make too much money or don’t meet other criteria to qualify for the state’s Medicaid program – called KanCare – but don’t earn enough to be eligible for federal tax credits to offset the cost of private insurance. ... The Kansas Hospital Association and a growing coalition of more than 50 organizations are preparing to push Gov. Sam Brownback and leaders in the Republican-controlled Legislature to change their minds (McLean, 1/6).