Message Is Key In Debate Over Medicaid Block Grant Plans
Some congressional Democrats are concerned that Medicaid will become even more of a target for funding cuts and, as a result, are rallying the troops.
The Hill: Menendez Says Dems Won't Back Medicaid Cuts
Cuts to Medicaid are no more palatable than cuts to Medicare, Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) told reporters Wednesday. Medicaid advocates and some congressional Democrats are worried that Medicaid could become a more ripe target for funding cuts amid the political firestorm over proposed changes to Medicare (Baker, 6/1).
California Healthline: Next Political Battle Brewing on Medicaid Messaging
During the health reform debate, "Sarah Palin and the Deathly Panels" was a surprise hit in the summer of 2009. This year, Democrats' version of "MediScare" opened to a limited engagement in a New York county. ... But can a sequel of sorts "MediScare II: Medicaid Block Grants" -- be far behind? Democrats are marshalling a national effort to warn that Medicaid is imperiled. Yet Republicans say the real concern is out-of-control health spending and states lack sufficient tools to rein in the program's costs (Diamond, 6/1).
Related, earlier from KHN: How Medicaid Block Grants Would Work (Carey and Werber Serafini, 3/6)
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