New Speaker Paul Ryan On The Issues
CNN also reports that although Ryan doesn't want Planned Parenthood to get money from taxpayers, he is doubtful lawmakers can totally deny the organization federal dollars.
The Wall Street Journal:
Where Paul Ryan Stands On The Issues
As chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and the Budget panel before that, Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) has dealt with some of the most contentious issues not only in the House, but also within the Republican Party, where spending and the reach of government are often flash points. Here’s where he stands on some key issues. ... Voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act and says Republicans should replace it with a plan that has fewer coverage mandates, allows insurance sales across state lines and provides tax credits to help people purchase insurance. ... Mr. Ryan’s most contentious proposal called for overhauling Medicare to allow Americans who turn 65 in the future to choose between private insurance plans with government support for premiums or staying in traditional Medicare, though their costs could rise. (11/1)
Paul Ryan Doubtful About Defunding Planned Parenthood
Paul Ryan doesn't believe Planned Parenthood should get one "red cent" from taxpayers -- but he cautioned Sunday against expectations that he'll be able to pull federal funding for the organization now that he's House speaker. (Scott, 11/1)