Study: Premiums In Red States After Health Law Rose More Than In Blue States
The Heritage Foundation reports that premiums for people who live in "red" states -- those with more Republicans -- are seeing their health coverage premiums rise more on average than those in "blue" states. In the meantime, an analysis shows how many people will be eligible for health law coverage subsidies in Georgia and Oregon.
Fox News: Obamacare Price Hikes Hit Red States Hardest
Experiencing sticker-shock at the price of insurance on Obamacare exchanges? That's more likely if you live in a "red state" that didn't vote for Obama, according to price data compiled by the Heritage Foundation. In red states, premiums for 27-year-olds rose an average of 78 percent on ObamaCare exchanges, whereas in "blue states" that voted for Obama, premiums rose a smaller 50 percent. Senate critics of Obamacare say the difference is one way in which the bill is unfair (Lott, 11/5).
Georgia Health News: 654,000 Eligible For Subsidies On Exchange
More than 650,000 Georgians will be eligible for subsidies in the health insurance exchange, the seventh-highest total in the nation, a new report said Tuesday. A total of 17 million people who are uninsured or who buy their own coverage will be eligible for the discounts, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation analysis (Miller, 11/5).
The Oregonian: Cover Oregon: Study's Estimates On Enrollment, Tax Credits Raise Stakes For Health Exchange
Nearly 190,000 Oregonians could qualify next year for federal tax credits to bring down health insurance costs by using the state's health exchange. That's less than half the state's previous estimate. But in an odd twist, that's actually good news because it reflects lower premiums in Oregon than in most other states (Budnick, 11/5).