Editorials And Opinions
A Selection Of Opinions And Editorials
Get Ready For Medical Rationing Detroit News
No one is against getting the best value for their health care dollar. But the current approach to comparative effectiveness research is a prescription for rationing (Robert Goldberg, 6/11).
How To Stop Socialized Healthcare Wall Street Journal
If Democrats enact a public-option health-insurance program, America is on the way to becoming a European-style welfare state. To prevent this from happening, there are five arguments Republicans must make (Karl Rove, 6/11)
The Real Problem Is Lack Of Competition St. Louis Post- Dispatch
The problem with American health care is not excessive competition; it is insufficient competition (David C. Rose, 6/11).
Governor's Proposed Health-Care Cuts Illogical San Francisco Chronicle
Rather than cuts, let's make better choices for California (Anthony Wright, 6/11).