Latest News On Doctors

Latest KFF Health News Stories

As Giant Hospitals Get Bigger, an Independent Doctor Feels the Pinch

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Independent medical practices keep closing as doctors join behemoth hospital groups or leave the field. Research suggests that’s bad news for patients. Studies repeatedly conclude that consolidation in the health care industry is driving up costs while showing no clear evidence of improved care.

Watch: Meet the Latest Fact-Checker — Your Doctor

KFF Health News Original

KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey talks with American Medical Association President Dr. Jack Resneck Jr. about how misinformation affects doctors and their daily efforts to treat patients.

Medical Coding Creates Barriers to Care for Transgender Patients

KFF Health News Original

The codes used by U.S. medical providers to bill insurers haven’t caught up to the needs of trans patients or even international standards. Consequently, doctors are forced to get creative with what codes they use, or patients spend hours fighting big out-of-pocket bills.

Tras Uvalde, cirujanos de trauma detallan los horrores de las masacres, y reclaman cambios

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En estos años, la profesión médica ha desarrollado técnicas como la rápida evacuación de pacientes para salvar a un mayor número de víctimas de tiroteos. Pero traumatólogos cirujanos entrevistados por KHN dicen que incluso esas mejoras solo pueden salvar a una fracción de los pacientes cuando son heridas infligidas por rifles de tipo militar.