If Trump Wins, Don’t Hold Your Breath Waiting for That ACA Replacement Plan
The administration seeks to have the Supreme Court overturn the federal health law but has not explained how it would ensure Americans’ health care coverage.
Biden’s Big Health Agenda Won’t Be Easy to Achieve
Much like President Barack Obama, a President Biden could find his health policies initially sidelined by economic issues — in his case, caused by the pandemic.
Outnumbered on High Court Nomination, Democrats Campaign for a Different Vote
Rather than prosecuting their case against Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are refighting the war that won them seats in 2018 — banging on Republicans for trying to eliminate the Affordable Care Act.
Without Ginsburg, Judicial Threats to the ACA, Reproductive Rights Heighten
With the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a lawsuit brought by Republican state officials has become the latest existential threat against the federal health law, scheduled for oral arguments at the Supreme Court a week after the general election in November.
Another Problem on the Health Horizon: Medicare Is Running Out of Money
With millions out of work because of the coronavirus pandemic, fewer payroll taxes are coming in to help keep Medicare’s trust fund intact.
Among Those Disrupted By COVID-19: The Nation’s Newest Doctors
For new medical residents, this has been a year like no other. In part that’s because getting from here to there — from medical school to residency training sites — has been complicated by the coronavirus.
Rapid Changes To Health System Spurred By COVID Might Be Here To Stay
The coronavirus pandemic has forced the nation’s doctors and hospitals to reevaluate how they work. At least three major changes may have a lasting impact.
Always The Bridesmaid, Public Health Rarely Spotlighted Until It’s Too Late
Because the public health system mostly operates in the background, it rarely gets the attention or funding it deserves ― until there’s a crisis.
Biden’s Incremental Medicare Play For Bernie’s Backers
The presumptive Democratic presidential candidate unveils a proposal to lower the eligibility age for Medicare from 65 to 60.
In Coronavirus Relief Bill, Hospitals Poised To Get Massive Infusion Of Cash
The legislation scheduled to go before the House for a vote Friday provides nearly $200 billion in aid for hospitals. That includes payments for expenses or lost revenues from the coronavirus pandemic, interest-free loans and changes in Medicare reimbursements.
High Court Revisits Abortion Law Akin To One Struck Down In 2016
The justices will hear a case Wednesday involving a Louisiana law requiring abortion providers to be able to admit patients to a nearby hospital. But four years ago, the court said a similar Texas law was unconstitutional.
A Guide To Following The Health Debate In The 2020 Elections
As the Democratic primary campaign nears pivotal voting, important aspects of health care policy are being overlooked.
Elecciones 2020: guía para seguir el debate de salud
Precios, tipo de cobertura, formas de acceder a la atención, son algunos de los temas que ya están dominando el debate en este año electoral.
With Fate Of Roe V. Wade Unsure, Abortion Fight Shifts To New Territory
The Supreme Court in March will hear a Louisiana case that tests whether the new five-member conservative majority is willing to overturn the 1973 decision that made abortion legal nationwide. Even if the court does not go that far, it could hasten the procedure’s demise by saying abortion providers cannot sue on behalf of their patients.
Democrats Press High Court To Make Call On ACA. How It Could Play Out At Polls.
Democrats have asked the Supreme Court to take up an appeals court ruling that could invalidate some or all of the federal health law. It’s not clear the court will take the case, but the efforts will carry consequences for both Democrats and Republicans.
What Would Happen If The ACA Went Away?
The Affordable Care Act has been on the books for nearly a decade. Parts of it have become ingrained in our health system ― and in our everyday life. But this could change, depending on a long-awaited 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision regarding the law’s constitutionality.
Candidatos apuestan fuerte por la salud. ¿Es lo que los votantes realmente quieren?
Una nueva encuesta revela que los votantes sí quieren que se hable de salud. Pero la pregunta del millón es: ¿apoyarán en las urnas un “Medicare para Todos”?.
Candidates Are Betting Big On Health. Is That What Voters Really Want?
Polls show that health care is at the top of voters’ issues, but the polls also say Democrats, let alone other Americans, are not ready for “Medicare for All.”
The Case Of The ACA’s Disappearing Taxes
When passing the Affordable Care Act, Democrats touted the fact that they had included many measures to pay for the bill’s expanded coverage. But nearly 10 years later, many of the “pay-fors” have been eliminated.