Different Takes: The Consequences Of Overturning Roe Are Here, And They Are Terrifying
Opinion writers discuss these abortion rights issues.
The Atlantic:
Why Freedom Of Speech Is The Next Abortion Fight
In the middle of July, three big blue billboards went up in and around Jackson, Mississippi. PREGNANT? YOU STILL HAVE A CHOICE, they informed passing motorists, inviting them to VISIT MAYDAY.HEALTH to learn more. Anybody who did landed on a website that provides information about at-home abortion pills and ways to get them delivered anywhere in the United States—including parts of the country, such as Mississippi, where abortions are now illegal under most circumstances. (Yascha Mounk, 8/22)
Los Angeles Times:
Facebook's Aid In Abortion Investigation Is Troubling
With federal protections for reproductive rights rolled back, data privacy protections are more important than ever for healthcare and abortion access. Facebook and other tech companies routinely cooperate with police demands for information they collect, including messages and keyword searches. For the Nebraska case, Facebook claimed it wasn’t aware that the police were seeking information relevant to a person’s abortion. That raises the question: What would Facebook have done if the warrant included the word “abortion”? (Cynthia Conti-Cook and Kate Bertash, 8/23)
The Washington Post:
I Had A Late-Term Abortion. But Saying I'm 'Pro-Choice' Is A Problem
Eight years ago, my husband and I received unimaginable news regarding our first pregnancy. Five and a half months in, due to medical complications, we were forced to decide whether to continue a pregnancy with almost no chance of infant survival. (Laurel Marlantes, 8/22)
The CT Mirror:
The Roe Ruling Reminds Us To Support Black Women
For the rest of our lives, we’ll remember where we were or what we were doing when the Roe decision was announced. (Sana Shaikh, 8/22)
Banning Abortion Puts Women In A Corner
One school morning, after a sleepover with my best friend, I'd woken to intense waves of nausea. Her mom ran to fetch a bottle of coke syrup out of her medicine cabinet to settle my stomach. It didn't help, but I didn't think anything of it. (Jennifer Grey, 8/22)