Freedom Caucus Leader: Members Should ‘Vote For Their Constituents’
Although Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) says there are enough lawmakers that oppose the American Health Care Act to tank the legislation, he is not holding his caucus to a "no" vote, which frees up leaders to sway individual members.
The Wall Street Journal:
Conservative House Republicans Say They Have Votes To Block Health Bill
Conservative House Republicans said Monday night that they have enough votes to block the GOP’s legislation to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, as House leaders proposed changes to the bill in a late effort to draw support. (Peterson, Andrews and Armour, 3/21)
The Washington Post:
House Republicans Unveil Changes To Their Health-Care Bill
There were signs Monday that the bill had growing support among the moderate wing of the House GOP. Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.), who had voted against the leadership in an early procedural vote on the health-care legislation, said that he was “satisfied enough that I will support the bill.” MacArthur said he was assured that the bill would do more for older and disabled Americans covered under Medicaid and that an additional $85 billion in aid would be directed to those between ages 50 and 65. (DeBonis, 3/20)
USA Today:
House Freedom Caucus Will Not Oppose Obamacare Repeal En Bloc
The conservative House Freedom Caucus has decided not to vote as a bloc to oppose the Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, a decision that could pave the way for the legislation to pass the House this week. “We’re not taking any official positions,” Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., chairman of the Freedom Caucus, told reporters Monday. “I’m going to encourage them to vote for their constituents.” (Collins, 3/20)
USA Today:
Ohio GOP House Members Show Challenges For Passing Health Reform
Look no further than Cincinnati’s congressional delegation to understand why Republican leaders are having so much trouble rallying their party around their Obamacare replacement plan. Cincinnati is represented by a quartet of rock-ribbed Republicans — and none of them has committed to vote for House Speaker Paul Ryan’s plan to repeal and replace the 2010 health care law. (Shesgreen, 3/20)
Politico Pro:
Republicans Face Crunch Time On Obamacare Repeal
Democrats announced Monday morning that Vice President Joe Biden will headline a rally at the Capitol to save Obamacare the day before Republicans are scheduled to vote to dismantle the health law. Biden will join House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday, in one of his first major appearances since leaving office. (Cancryn, 3/20)
Kaiser Health News:
In Deep-Red Western N.C., Revered Congressman Leads Charge Against GOP Bill
In this corner of Appalachia, poverty takes a back seat to art galleries, country clubs, golf course communities, five-star restaurants and multimillion-dollar houses. From this perch, Rep. Mark Meadows, a real estate entrepreneur who capitalized on the area’s transformation into a prosperous retirement and vacation community, rose to political power quickly. Now the conservative Republican leads the House Freedom Caucus, controlling between 30 and 40 votes in Congress and showing few qualms about endangering his party’s best chance to repeal the Affordable Care Act. (Galewitz, 3/20)