Abortion Language In GOP Health Plan Could Be The Achilles Heel That Brings It Down
The Senate parliamentarian flags language that would bar people from using new refundable tax credits for private insurance plans that cover abortion.
The Hill:
Parliamentarian Threatens Deadly Blow To GOP Healthcare Bill
The Senate parliamentarian has warned Republicans that a key provision in their healthcare reform bill related to abortion is unlikely to be allowed, raising a serious threat to the legislation. The parliamentarian, Elizabeth MacDonough, has flagged language that would bar people from using new refundable tax credits for private insurance plans that cover abortion, according to Senate sources. (Bolton, 6/8)
Abortion Restrictions Threaten Senate GOP’s Obamacare Repeal Push
"There's still not a clear ruling from the parliamentarian about the House Hyde language ... I don't think we go to contingencies or Plan Bs until we know that. But I do think there's been some gaming out of how you address it if the House language isn't acceptable," said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), a GOP leader working on the tax credits. "No taxpayer funding is consistent with the majority of our caucus." (Haberkorn and Everett, 6/8)
Previous KHN coverage: Planned Parenthood Funding Could Thwart GOP Efforts On Health Bill (Rovner, 5/12)