More Approve Of Obamacare Than House Republicans’ Replacement Bill, New Poll Finds
But the new Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey also shows that a majority of Americans want fixes to the existing health law. A separate AARP poll also reports low approval numbers for the American Health Care Act that passed in the House last month.
The Wall Street Journal:
Obamacare Gets Higher Marks Than House GOP Overhaul, Poll Finds
More Americans approve of the Affordable Care Act than the House Republican bill to repeal and replace it, but many still want Congress to find some way to fix former President Barack Obama’s signature health-care law, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. (Hook, 6/22)
Poll: Americans Disapprove Of House Health Care Bill
Forty-eight percent of participants in the poll said they thought the House bill was a bad idea, while just 16 percent said it was a good idea. The rest were unsure or had no opinion, according to the poll of 900 people, which was conducted by phone from June 17-20. (Siu, 6/22)
Denver Post:
30 Percent Of Colorado Voters 50 And Older Support House-Passed Health Care Bill, AARP Survey Finds
Roughly three in 10 likely voters in Colorado age 50 or older support the U.S. House-passed version of the American Health Care Act, according to a poll released Thursday by the AARP that also found the state’s residents are overwhelmingly against cutting Medicaid funding. The survey found that 81 percent of likely Colorado voters age 50 or older don’t want any Medicaid dollars cut — including 70 percent of Republicans and 91 percent of Democrats. (Paul, 6/22)