House Democrats Call for Justice Thomas’s Recusal on Health Law Constitutionality, 2/9/2011
Rep. Anthony Weiner and 73 other House Democrats sent a letter to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Wednesday, urging him to recuse himself from cases involving the health care overhaul.
Republican Governors Ask For Faster Review Of Health Overhaul Lawsuits, 2/9/2011
On Wednesday, 28 GOP governors sent a letter to President Obama asking him to foster faster review of the health care overhaul lawsuits so the Supreme Court can rule on their constitutionality “as soon as possible.”
Judge Vinson’s Decision On Health Law, 1/31/2011
U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson in Pensacola, Florida declared the individual mandate, and thus the whole health care law, unconstitutional.
The Rules Committee report on H.R. 9 that would direct House committees to come up with legislation to replace the Democrats’ health law.
H.R. 9, Directing Committees to Report Legislation Replacing Health Overhaul, 1/14/2011
The GOP has legislation that would direct House committees to come up with legislation to replace the Democrats’ health law.
President Obama Promises Health Law Repeal Veto 1/6/2011
The Obama Administration issued a letter Thursday saying that the White House opposes repeal of the health overhaul and that Obama would veto it if it reaches his desk.
CBO Weighs In On GOP Health Law Repeal 1/6/2011
The Congressional Budget Office says that repealing the Democrats’ health law will add to budget deficits over the long-term and to the tune of $145 billion through 2019.
H.R. 2: Republicans’ Health Reform Repeal Legislation 1/5/2011
“A BILL To repeal the job-killing health care law and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.”
Judge Hudson’s Decision Striking Down Part Of Health Law 12/13/2010
U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson in Virginia in December struck down a key part of the nation’s new health law, saying that the mandate on most Americans to buy health coverage is unconstitutional.
Census Bureau’s Annual Insurance Coverage Status Check, 9/16/2010
The Census Bureau released in September its annual report – Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 – marking the first time since 1987 that the number of people in the U.S. with health insurance decreased.
Sebelius To Governors: Extra Medicaid Money Comes With A String Attached, 8/16/2010
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sent a letter in August to all of America’s governors telling them that if they want to continue receiving the enhanced Medicaid funds that Congress approved last week that they have to ask for the money.
H.R. 5424: Repeal of The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act 5/27/2010
“A BILL To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and enact the Common Sense Health Care Reform and Affordability Act.”
Full Text Of The Health Reform Law: “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”, 3/23/10
The President’s Executive Order On Abortion Funding And The Health Bill, 3/21/2010
President Obama relesed an executive order clarifying that no federal dollars are to be used for abortion services.
H.R. 4038: Common Sense Health Care Reform and Affordability Act 11/6/2009
“Requires each state to mitigate the cost of high risk individuals in the state through: (1) a state reinsurance program; or (2) a state high risk pool.”