Administration Backs Supreme Court Review Of Legal Challenges To Health Law’s Birth Control Mandate
In other news, the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan sues a Catholic hospital system over its abortion policy.
The Associated Press:
Administration Backs High Court Review Of Contraception Case
The Obama administration is acknowledging that the Supreme Court should step into the latest battle over the president's health law. At issue are claims from faith-affiliated charities, colleges and hospitals that object to rules allowing them to opt out of covering contraceptives for women who are part of their health plans. (10/1)
USA Today/Detroit Free Press:
ACLU Sues Catholic Hospital System Over Abortion Policy
A federal lawsuit accuses a Catholic health system with 86 hospitals nationwide of “denying appropriate emergency care to women suffering pregnancy complications.” The American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan filed an amended complaint Friday against Trinity Health, headquartered in Livonia, in U.S. District Court in Detroit. (Anderson, 10/1)