Barrett’s Dim View Of High Court’s Ruling On ACA Mobilizes Democrats
The Supreme Court nominee's essay -- written before she was appointed a federal judge -- says Chief Justice John Roberts' opinion upholding the federal health law “pushed the Affordable Care Act beyond its plausible meaning to save the statute.” In other news about the fight over the court, Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris criticizes Barrett, and a new survey suggests Americans don't want to see the decision that legalized abortion overturned.
The Washington Post:
Judge Barrett’s Writing Criticizes The Supreme Court Decision Upholding Obama-Era Health Law
In the days leading to his nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, President Trump emphasized anew his distaste for the Affordable Care Act. In his third chance to shape the high court, the president is turning to a conservative judge who could tilt its balance toward his goal of abolishing the law. Barrett has not participated in any cases during three years on the Chicago-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit that dealt with the decade-old law, which has widened insurance coverage and altered many other aspects of the nation’s health-care system. Yet her academic writing and public action offer glimpses into her views: She has criticized the legal logic behind a Supreme Court decision that preserved the law and opposed a provision involving birth control. (Goldstein and Crites, 9/28)
The New York Times:
Kamala Harris Says Appointing Amy Coney Barrett To The Supreme Court Would Imperil Health Care And Abortion Rights
Senator Kamala Harris warned on Monday of far-reaching consequences to American society if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed to the Supreme Court, saying that the health coverage and abortion rights were in peril. In a speech in Raleigh, N.C., Ms. Harris amplified an argument that Joseph R. Biden Jr. has been making in the aftermath of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, putting a focus on the fate of health care for millions of Americans. (Kaplan and Vigdor, 9/28)
The Hill:
What's At Stake If The Supreme Court Rules Against ObamaCare
While the ACA's fate is still uncertain — many legal experts in both parties think the lawsuit’s arguments are so weak that even conservative justices would uphold the law — the consequences of it being struck down would reverberate through almost every corner of the health care system. (Sullivan, 9/28)
NBC News:
Poll: Majority Of Adults Don't Support Overturning Roe V. Wade
A majority of American adults say they don't support the Supreme Court's completely overturning Roe v. Wade, according to new data from the NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Tracking Poll. Sixty-six percent of adults say they don't believe the Supreme Court should completely overturn the decision that established a woman's right to an abortion nationwide in at least the first three months of a pregnancy. Twenty-nine percent of adults say they do want the court to completely overturn the ruling. (Holzberg and Kamisar, 9/29)