Health Policy Issues Draw Headlines For Romney And Gingrich
News outlets fact check the policy question behind GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's $10,000 bet. Meanwhile, other stories focus on Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's support for the Medicare Part D drug program.
Los Angeles Times: Fact Check: Would Mitt Romney Have Won His $10,000 Bet?
Say what you will about the political wisdom of making a $10,000 wager with one of your GOP rivals at a time of economic distress. As far as the fact-checkers are concerned, Rick Perry would be writing Mitt Romney a check today if he had taken him up on his wager on health care reform (Memoli, 12/12).
Politico: Newt Gingrich Played Key Role In Medicare Drug Benefit
It was a challenge suited for a dynamic orator, a politician who could captivate doubters with his command of the subject matter and ability to articulate a grand vision for the future. But eight years later, as Gingrich has cemented his status as the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, memories of his advocacy for a major expansion of the health care entitlement are sending up yellow caution flags among some hard-core conservatives (Allen, 12/12).
In other campaign trail news -
Boston Globe: Newt Gingrich Calls On Massachusetts Voters To Re-elect Scott Brown
Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said today that Massachusetts voters could play a critical role in the fight to repeal President Obama's health care overhaul. "Reelecting Senator Brown is a key step toward being able to repeal Obamacare," Gingrich said. ... Brown is expected to face a tough challenge from Democrat Elizabeth Warren in a Democratic-leaning state that already has the most comprehensive health care program in the country (Schoenberg, 12/12).