Head Of Federal Insurance Marketplace Resigning
Gary Cohen says he will return to California, where he was once an insurance executive, regulator and head of an advocacy group.
The New York Times: Official At Helm Of Federal Health Marketplace Is Resigning
Gary M. Cohen, the official in charge of the federal health insurance marketplace, who repeatedly told Congress before its troubled rollout that it would work well, said on Thursday that he was resigning. Mr. Cohen is the chief architect of federal rules regulating the operations of private health insurance under the new health care law (Pear, 3/6).
Bloomberg: U.S. Health Insurance Regulator Gary Cohen To Resign
Cohen will step down as director of the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight at the end of the month, when the first enrollment period for the health-care law concludes, Marilyn Tavenner, the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Cohen’s boss, said yesterday in an e-mail to employees. Cohen and Tavenner said his departure is voluntary. ... Cohen said he hasn’t begun looking for a new job in part because of federal conflict-of-interest rules (Wayne, 3/6).