Firm Hopes To Save On Health Costs With Concierge Doctor
The (Milwaukee) Business Journal explores the story of Serigraph, a West Bend, Wis., company which gave up on "fine-tuning" insurance coverage for workers and turned to concierge medicine instead. "Industry experts said the move is one that other employers likely will begin considering as they grapple with increasing health care costs." The concierge doctor gets accounting help, marketing materials and other support services from ModernMed, Inc., an Arizona-based startup.The company "self-insures 1,100 total people. So far, about 130 employees and their family members have signed up to become patients." Serigraph would not disclose what they are paying for the service (Hess, 4/9). This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.