HCFA Unveils Online Directory of Drug Assistance Programs
HCFA on Nov. 15 unveiled several new features on its Medicare Web site, http://www.medicare.gov, including a page with information on how to apply for drug assistance through drug companies, states, community-based programs and disease-specific programs. Users can enter their ZIP codes to search for what benefits are offered in their communities. Another new feature will allow seniors to search through a physician directory for specific specialties and locations. HCFA also unveiled a Spanish-language version of Medicare Health Plan Compare, which includes information on plan benefits, costs, quality, member satisfaction and disenrollment rates. Finally, on the Nursing Home Compare page, users now will be able to obtain and compare information from HCFA's last three surveys of each of the 16,500 nursing homes participating in Medicare and Medicaid. Previously, only the most current survey was available through the site (HCFA release, 11/15).
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