House Passes Amendment to Fund Food Distribution to People Affected by AIDS in Developing Countries
The House yesterday approved by a voice vote an amendment offered by Reps. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Eva Clayton (D-N.C.) to the Agriculture Appropriations bill that would provide $25 million for USAID's Food for Peace Program to "reduce the burden of hunger" for people living with HIV/AIDS and orphaned children in developing nations. Speaking on the House floor yesterday, Pelosi said, "Poor nutrition accelerates the progression from HIV to AIDS. In addition to the prevention, treatment and infrastructure needs that must be addressed to stem the tide of the pandemic, we must also recognize that good nutrition is critical to any prevention and care strategy." AIDS undermines household food production, she added, "as limited financial resources are used for medical costs rather than crop production, and family members are forced to care for the sick rather than work in the fields" (Pelosi release, 7/11).
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